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Shyre is an anonymous resource sharing platform. People can give each other extra resources on the platform, so as to achieve effective use of resources.

Conversely, people in need of resources can more generously seek assistance online, and the process is anonymous, safe & respectful.




User Interview

UI Design

Hi-Fi Prototyping

Style Guideline

User Flow


​Yun Shan

Wei-Hao Lai

Xin-Yu Chen

錨點 1

Why was Shyre born?


We interviewed users who had used the resource sharing platform.

Two of the interviewees were demanders; the other two were givers.

User Interview

For those in need, our interview outline is as follows:

1. Why did you come across the Resource Sharing Platform? Why?

2. Which sharing platform have you used? Why?

3. Do you feel any emotions or encounter any difficulties when requesting

resources on the Internet? Why?

4. What do you think can be improved about the sharing platform you are

currently using? Why?

5. What do you think about requesting resources on the Internet? Why?

6. Did the sharing platform really help you get the help you needed? Why?

7. Where did you find out about the Resource Sharing Platform?

For grantees, our interview outline is as follows.

1. What was the first time you came across a resource sharing platform? Which

platform did you use?

2. Why would you consider giving resources to other people who are taking risks?

3. Did you feel any emotions or encounter any difficulties when providing

resources on the Internet? Why?

4. What do you think can be improved about the sharing platform you are

currently using? Why?

5. What do you think about requesting resources on the Internet? Why?

6. What do you think about resource sharing? Why?

7. Do you have any worries about giving resources on the Internet? Why?

8. Where did you learn about the resource sharing platform?

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Design Features



The ability to maintain the anonymity of demanders on the platform allows them to request requests without regard to dignity, which allows users to be more willing to initiate.


Audit Mark 

Shyre conducts manual audits of requestors through a backend system, and users who pass the audits are awarded a logo.

The resource provider can identify the requestor by the logo and freely choose whether or not to provide resources to them.

Business Model


​Style Guideline


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